CD : Ludwig Daser - Polyphonic Masses

Our award-winning CD Ludwig Daser - Polyphonic Masses is a world premiere recording of two stunning Masses by the German polyphonist, Ludwig Daser (Munich 1525 - Stuttgart 1589) - Missa Preter rerum seriem and Missa Fors seulement - both recently unearthed by Paul Van Nevel. Would you like to follow the musical scores as you listen to this sublime polyphony? When you buy the recording, you will find a password concealed in the CD booklet, which will grant you access to a pdf file of the scores - Paul Van Nevel’s very own transcriptions, and the only modern editions in existence of these two Masses - via this link: CD Daser
Meanwhile, you can listen to a section of the Kyrie from Missa Preter rerum seriem by clicking on this link:
And you can find several favourable reviews of the recording in the REVIEWS section of our website.