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New CD recording: MELANCHOLY - vocal works by Max Reger

New CD recording: MELANCHOLY - vocal works by Max Reger

We are delighted to announce the release of our new CD recording: MELANCHOLY - vocal works by Max Reger (1873-1916).

Once again Paul Van Nevel breaks new ground, this time breathing fresh life into the interpretation of non-Renaissance vocal repertoire. The CD is a tribute to the timeless melancholic intimacy of Max Reger’s vocal music. Several pieces are with piano accompaniment (played by Jos van Immerseel on an 1870 concert grand by Carl Bechstein from Jos’s private piano collection), adding a fragile décor - rather than a traditional piano accompaniment - and further enhancing the melancholic character of this highly expressive music.

If you are interested in purchasing an exclusive copy of the CD with a personal signature of Paul Van Nevel, please visit the WEB SHOP section of our website.

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