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La Poesia Cromatica
2009 | Sony Music | Deutsche Harmonia Mundi
CD info
Michelangelo Rossi (1601-1656) was, in addition to an outstanding violonist and organist, one of the most significant composers of the Italian Renaissance period. Paul Van Nevel has discovered three of Rossi's instrumental works and thirteen of his ground-braking madrigals and presents them here for the world premiere recording with his award-winning Huelgas Ensemble.
Per non mi dir ch'io moia
Alma afflitta, che fai?
Ohimé, se tanto amate
Partite sopra La Romanesca
Era l'anima mia
O miseria d'amante
Mentre d'ampia voragine tonante
Moribondo mio pianto
Or che la notte
Voi volete ch'io mora
Langue al vostro languir
Come sian dolorose
Toccata Settima
Ah dolente partita
Chieci desir
Occhi, un tempo mia vita
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