De tijd van Guillaume Du Fay
Date & Time:
25/4/25, 18:30
Leuven, Belgium
Info & Tickets:
Alamire Foundation
Fulgens iubar : Puerpera pura isorhythmic motet à 4 (ca. 1445-1447)
Composed for the cathedral of Cambrai and Magister Pierre de Castel
Magnificat quinti toni à 3 voces aequalis in ‘alternatim’ style
Mon chier amy ballade à 3
Lament on the death of Pandolfo Malatesta da Rimini, October 1427
O proles Hispaniae : O sidus Hispaniae motet à 4
Composed in honour of Antonius de Padua
Missa Ave Regina coelorum : Agnus Dei à 4
Composed for the cathedral of Cambrai ca. 1473
Les douleurs dont me sens tel somme rondeau à 4 (ca. 1455)
Text : Antoine de Cuise
Ecclesie militantis : Sanctorum arbitrio : Bella canunt gentes isorhythmic motet à 5
Composed for the inauguration of Pope Eugenius IV in Rome in 1431
Magnanime gentes laudes : Nexus amicie Musa isorhythmic motet à 3
Composed for the armistice of 1438 between Bern and Fribourg
C’est bien raison ballade à 3
Composed for Niccolò d’Este in 1437
Moribus et genere : Virgo virga isorhythmic motet à 4
Composed for La Sainte-Chapelle in Dijon in 1441