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The Art of the Cigar

2011 | Sony Music | Deutsche Harmonia Mundi

The Art of the Cigar

CD info

Passionate cigar smoker and conductor Paul Van Nevel selected charming compositions that are brief sketches of the luxurious world of the cigar between the 16th and 20th century. They are superbly interpreted with a hint of irony and humour by the Huelgas Ensemble, and evoke the timeless pleasure and relaxing atmosphere that cigar lovers all over the world still treasure to this day...


The Bristol tune book (1876) : Tobacco is a dirty weed

Juan Blas de Castri (ca.1561-1631) : Como el humo del cigarro

Michael East (ca.1580-1648) : O Metaphysical tobacco

Carl Ludwig Friedrich Hetsch (1808-1872) : Louange de la Havane

José Peyro (1702-1768) : De Vuelta Abajo o de Oriente

Charles Wesley (1793-1859) : My last cigar

Pedro Riquet (17th century) : La guajirita de Vuelta Abajo

Augustus Edmonds Tozer (1857-1910) : Das Zigarrenlied

W. Augustus Barrat (1864-1928) : So I have my cigar!

H. Lazerges (1817-1887) : Eloge du tabac

Paul Lebrun (1863-1920) : To a segar

Solage (floruit ca.1400) from codex Chantilly : Fumeux fume par fumée

Daniel Towner (1850-1919) : Open the old cigar-box

TobaccTobias hume (ca.1569-1645) : o, tobacco, sing sweetly for tobacco

E.C. Walker (1820-1894) : I like cigars beneath the stars

Anonymus (Spain ca.1520) : Elogio

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